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Classroom Procedures – Based on the feedback you received from your…
Classroom Procedures – Based on the feedback you received from your instructor, revise your Topic 4 procedures assignment and summarize three of the procedures (one of which must address safe and responsible use of technology). Include your rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.  Procedures from topic 4 listed below. 
Procedure #1  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Classroom Entry Routine Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced  

 To have a classroom environment conducive to learning from the moment class begins, minimizing distractions.








Students will enter the classroom quietly, showing respect for their peers who are already present and engaged in their work.
Before the bell rings, students will organize their materials, such as sharpening pencils and getting homework ready, to maximize instructional time.
Once seated, students will begin working quietly on a warm-up activity, with the necessary materials in their notebooks labeled appropriately. 


The procedure will be introduced on the first day of school during the classroom orientation.











 The teacher will demonstrate the entry routine at the beginning of each class for the first week of school.










 The routine will be practiced regularly throughout the school year, especially when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class.







 The teacher will observe students and provide positive reinforcement to those who consistently follow the entry routine correctly.









Procedure #2  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Technology Usage Guidelines  Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced

 To ensure students use technology safely and responsibly, enhancing their learning experiences.












Students will use technology devices only for academic purposes, as instructed by the teacher.
They will respect the privacy and intellectual property of others when using technology.
Students will handle technological devices with care and report any malfunctions immediately.
Any online communication will be respectful and appropriate, following the school’s acceptable use policy.

 The procedure will be introduced during the first week of school when discussing classroom expectations, including the responsible use of technology. 







 The teacher will demonstrate proper technology usage during specific lessons.











Student’s will have opportunities to practice responsible technology usage during class assignments and projects.









 The teacher will monitor students’ technology use and provide feedback as needed to reinforce responsible behavior.











Procedure #3  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Group Work Collaboration  Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced

 To facilitate effective and respectful collaboration during group activities, optimizing instructional time.








Students will listen actively to each other’s ideas during group discussions. Students will listen actively to each other’s ideas during group discussions.
Each group member will have a designated role and contribute equally to the task.
Students will respectfully resolve conflicts that may arise during group work.
Group members will support and encourage each other to achieve the common goal.

 The procedure will be introduced at the beginning of group work activities.











 The teacher will demonstrate effective group collaboration and communication strategies.









 Students will practice working in groups during various assignments and projects throughout the school year.








 The teacher will assess group dynamics and provide feedback on collaborative skills to promote improvement.