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KidKudu3416 Reading 3: Putting it All together-2 “Introduction Last week you… Reading 3: Putting it All together-2


Last week you learned about the academic reading process and worked through it step by step with the piece by Isaac Asimov. This week you’re going to put it all together with a new reading that will lead to the first informal written reflection assignment. This will be a timed writing assignment, but it will not be graded for structure, or grammar and mechanics.

To begin, here are your focus questions:

What is a fable, and what is its special purpose?

What is DDT?

It will be vital for you to understand the answers to both of the questions above, so if you need to, take some time and look them up. Then join your classmates on the Discussion Board to answer another question (see the pre-reading discussion under ASSIGNMENTS).

Rachel Carson

Rachel Carson, the author of our reading, was somewhat ahead of her time. She wrote her book, Silent Spring, in the 1960s as both a warning and a call to action to protect the environment. Watch the short video below to learn more about her and the reading.

“Video link” –

After you watch the video, consider for a moment the public reaction to her book. Why do you suppose the response was so unfavorable?

A Fable for Tomorrow

For this class, you are only going to read a short excerpt from the novel, Silent Spring. The attachment is included below. You only need to read “A Fable for Tomorrow”, but the next chapter, “An Obligation to Endure”, is also included if you want to continue. Use the Reading Process you learned last week to read and annotate this reading in your notes. You might notice there are some errors in the text of the reading due to faulty translation from its original format. When you finish reading and annotating, answer the discussion questions about it (found under ASSIGNMENTS).

A Fable for Tomorrow, by Rachel Carson

Final Wrap-up

Carson’s work was one of a kind at the time she wrote it, and it still is. In fact, it marked the beginning of the environmental movement in this country. After you finish reading and annotating, you have another opportunity to practice the Summary/Response assignment here. As you’re responding, think about Carson’s warning. Did any of her macabre predictions come true? Below is a link to an article that gives an unsettling answer:

LI Herald” Image transcription textInstructions First, make sure you read the essay by Rachel Carson in the Reading #3: Putting It All Together-2module page. Then read the questions in the handout below. Answer them with short answers and submit.They are worth 2 points each. Fable for Tomorrow discussion questions Minimize File Preview O – Z… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish