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  Read this sample signature paper  excerpt below, and either…


Read this sample signature paper  excerpt below, and either copy it  into comments below , making corrections in red, or noting them and correcting them..

Signature paper

Not since Moses’s day had there been a leader like Paul.  In a sense, Paul 

was the most important leader mentioned in the bible.  Not only was he an 

Apostle, but the most prominent  and clear headed one ever mentioned by 

God in his Word.   Maybe the most prominent character in Christianity’s 

history.  Due to his special calling, his ability to face prosecution and abuse,

 his status as an Elder and his great Faith, he ranks highly, even though he is 
not one of the original 12 Disciples, and wasn’t even mentioned in the 

Biblical texts that discuss Jesus’s earthly days.

In a way, you could compare him to today’s Pope, or the President of the 

United States—or more appropriately, the Senior Pastor of a large church or

 the Bishop of a denomination.  Think of him like a modern Saint, a person 

that has great Spiritual courage and skill.  A person that  loves God and His

 ways.  Which makes him all the more remarkeable in the way he treated 

Onesimus’s owner, Philemon.  Philemon was a humble man, that had a 

Church in his house, and that owned Philemon as a slave.    In its own 

unique way, the paradox of Paul the great leader being kind and 

compassionate to people of lower Economic status like Onesimus (a lowly 

Slave) shows that he was also a great sheperd not one who would Lord it 

over people.  He had no allusions of being the King.


Let’s examine in detail the world of Paul, Philemon and Onesimus–the 3 

key players in a story with abundent  lessons for our day.  In a funny verse,

 the Bible says “a dog returns to it’s own vomit.”     Thinking about an 

animal being attracted to there own vomit is a strong image and thought 

provoking. This remind’s me of  the religous leaders Jesus confronted in the 

Temple.  One Sunday, my Pastor preached on this.  Matthew 11:15, ” Jesus 

said, “My house shall be a House of prayer, but you have made it a den of 

robbers.”  When people think they’re more imporatnt then others based on 

Religion or Race,  the affect is  divine anger.  I have thought alot about why

 Followers of God would ever think they are holier then other people.   Or 

how they could justify hating a person that was innocent or poorer then 

them.  It’s a mystery to me, and a headscratching one at that.   I sometimes 

literally loose my mind over things like these.

Think about someone that dessecrated the Alter of a Church, or think’s it’s 

alright to have a prejudist attitude.  What an extordinary embarassment for 

priviledged people to act that way; witholding grace from a person that is in 

need.  Our professor talked about this one day when we did a practise for this 
signature assignment.