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Directions: Read the following paragraphs, and then answer the…

Directions: Read the following paragraphs, and then answer the questions that follow


.(1) Sarah had always had a dream. (2) She had always wanted to be a teacher. (3) When she was growing up, she had some tough times. (4) One of her teachers, Mr. Hernandez, encouraged her to study hard and to believe in herself. (5) His support encouraged her to do well in school. (6) Sarah is now a teacher.


Which of the following statements are true about the paragraph? Check all that apply.


1- The paragraph would be more effective if sentences 3 and 4 were shorter in length.

2- Sentences 1, 2, and 4 are a variety of lengths.

3- Sentences 4 and 6 add sentence variety to the paragraph.



(1) Sarah had always had a dream. (2) She wanted to be a teacher. (3) Sarah had tough times. (4) She had a good teacher. (5) His name was Mr. Hernandez. (6) Mr. Hernandez encouraged Sarah. (7) He told her to study hard. (8) He told her to believe in herself. (9) His support helped Sarah. (10) Sarah did well in school. (11) She is now a teacher.


Which of the following statements are true about the paragraph? Check all that apply.


1- Sentences 10 and 11 are choppy because they are the same length.

2- Sentences 1, 2, and 3 do not contain enough sentence variety.

3- Sentences 9 and 10 add sentence variety to the paragraph.



Directions: Read the three similar passages that follow, and then determine which passage has the most variety.


Passage 1 Kylie likes to communicate by using Twitter because she can immediately send messages to her friends whenever she likes. She used to e-mail her friends many times in a day, but she finds that Twitter is much more instantly gratifying. For example, Kylie just sent a message, called a tweet, which says, “I am eating lunch at Bakery 20 with Frankie and the salad is awesome.


“Passage 2 Kylie likes to communicate. She used to e-mail her friends many times in a day. Now, she likes to use Twitter. Kylie uses Twitter a lot. For example, Kylie just sent a message. A message is called a tweet. Her tweet says, “I am eating lunch. I am eating lunch with Frankie. We are at Bakery 20. The salad is awesome.


“Passage 3 Kylie likes to communicate. She used to e-mail her friends many times in a day. Now, she likes to use Twitter. Kylie can use Twitter to immediately send messages to her friends. When she uses Twitter, Kylie’s friends know exactly where Kylie is and what she is doing. For example, Kylie just sent a message, called a tweet. Her tweet says, “I am eating lunch with Frankie at Bakery 20. The salad is awesome.”


Which passage has the most variety?


1- Passage 3

2- Passage 2

3- Passage 1