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Summary & Response Paper Based on “Why I Use Trigger Warnings”…

Summary & Response Paper

Based on “Why I Use Trigger Warnings” by Kate Manne 

Introduction.  A Summary & Response paper is excellent preparation for writing in college because it lets you practice two important skills that you’ll use in this class and in other classes at NOVA:

Summarizing: identifying and explaining the main ideas of an articles
Responding: explaining your reaction the main ideas

As you can see, summarizing isn’t only one step. It involves reading, identifying, and rewriting main ideas in your own words – that’s three separate skills.  Because this paper requires at least three skills, you will complete a few smaller assignments before you begin to write.  These smaller assignments will help you succeed.

For this paper, you will write a Summary & Response paper based on the article “Why I Use Trigger Warnings” by Kate Manne.

Purpose:  Practice Skills.  This  Summary & Response paper  gives you the opportunity to practice the following skills that will help you write this paper and other papers at NOVA. These skills may even help you improve your performance at your job.

Using the basic the elements of an essay in your own writing
Reading closely to identify main ideas
Explaining someone else’s ideas in your own words
Expressing your own ideas about the article
Connecting your ideas to the ideas expressed in the article

Purpose: Gain Knowledge.  This paper will help you: 

Understand the difference between summary and response.
Understand the definition of “trigger warning” and the controversy surrounding trigger warnings.
Recognize a trigger warning when you hear one and understand its purpose.
Understand the arguments for and against trigger warnings.

Structure of Paper.  Your Summary & Response paper will contain six paragraphs. You will write down notes for each paragraph when you complete the paper planner assigned in Module 4.2 in Canvas.

Body paragraph 1: Explain in your own words one main idea you found in  “Why I Use Trigger Warnings” .  Body paragraph 1 will not include your opinion, reaction, or personal experiences.
Body paragraph 2:  Explain your personal opinion, reaction, or experience that responds to the main idea you explained in body paragraph 1.
Body paragraph 3:  Explain in your own words another main idea you found in  “Why I Use Trigger Warnings” .  Body paragraph 3 will not include your opinion, reaction, or personal experiences.
Body paragraph 4:  Explain your personal opinion, reaction, or experience that responds to the main idea you explained in body paragraph 3.
Work cited page

Length: 500-600 words

Format of Paper:   MLA Formatting in Word or MLA Formatting in Google Docs.

These formatting videos will show you how to create your paper with 1″ margins, 12-point font, double-spacing, a first-page heading and the correct headers.

Work Cited

Manning, Kate. “Why I Use Trigger Warnings.” The New York Times. The New York Times Company.  19 Sept. 2015,