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Watch and analyze the fictional movie “Shrek,” but focus on Shrek…

Watch and analyze the fictional movie “Shrek,” but focus on Shrek and Fiona. Make sure there are several scenes where these two characters are interacting.  

While watching the movie, notice everything related to what you have learned in this class.  For example, you might ask yourself – is a dialectical tension going on?  Which one?   What listening styles are they using, or do they have listening barriers, and which ones?  Do they communicate to meet interpersonal needs?  If so, which ones? Do they lean towards different cultural dimensions?  If so, which one? 

You will also consider what could make their relationship better.  Do they need to change their conflict style?  Would using confirming messages make a big difference to the outcomes of their relationship?  

Here is a full list of concepts/theories you can choose from.

From CH 1-3
? Interpersonal Needs Theory
? Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
? A Communication Continuum
? Transactional Model
? Identity Theories – Direct definition, reflected appraisal, social comparison, self-fulfilling
prophecies, identity scripts
? Attachment Styles
? Johari’s Window
? Culture Dimensions (Intercultural Communication)
? Attribution Theory
? Cognitive Complexity
? Perception Checking
From CH 4-6
? Owning your feelings and thoughts
? Accuracy and clarity in language
? Listening Process
? Nonlistening behaviors
From CH 7-9
? Emotion work
? Emotional Intelligence
? Relational Dialectics
? Negotiating Dialectical Tensions
? Confirming/Disconfirming Messages
? Conflict Orientations
? 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

You will report on THREE observations you made in analyzing the interpersonal relationship.  Each one using a different concept or theory 

You will also make ONE recommendation for them to have an improved relationship moving forward using a concept or theory that is different than the ones used for the observations.

For each you will do 4 things 

Identify the theory (broadly and specifically) –
Example:  Johari’s Window – this scene shows the Blind and Open panes of Johari’s Window.
Define the theory simply in your own words.
Example:  Self-serving bias is when you attribute positive things to being internal natural parts of who you are, but you attribute negative things to being caused by outside forces.
Make a claim.
Example, ” Cinderella flees from the prince at midnight because she wants to maintain her self-esteem needs as described in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs”
Back up your claim with evidence from the movie.
Example:  Cinderella was told she would lose her gown and transportation at midnight, so when she hears the clock, she realizes others will see her in a state of poverty.  This would be embarrassing as we know how much effort her step-sisters put into getting ready for the ball.  To avoid humiliation she flees to maintain her dignity.  Maslow explains that self-esteem is one of our needs that we meet in order to work towards achieving our best self and that explains why Cinderella is leaving.