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     literary analysis essay based on “A Worn Path,” by Eudora…
     literary analysis essay based on “A Worn Path,” by Eudora Welty.


Topic: Female Gender Analysis: Looking at the different female characters in the play, draw a? conclusion about what the author is trying to say about women, their roles in society, romantic relationships, motherhood, etc.



 Analysis? is the practice of looking closely at small parts to see how they affect the whole.   Literary analysis focuses on how plot/structure, character, setting, and many other techniques are used by the author to create ? meaning?.  ?You will review the readings to look for ideas that you would like to develop into a literary analysis essay.   Much of?   the writing that have to do at the college level involves examining patterns in literature. Go back through your materials and see if you can find any interesting literary patterns that you would like to explore in an essay. 



Develop a THESIS: what is the principal point you want readers to take away from your? literary analysis. ?  Your thesis will be your subject, plus an original opinion about this subject that you can support with evidence from the play/reading?. 


To formulate a thesis, you will need to answer the following questions: 


1.Do any literary elements stand out as more interesting or important than others?

2.Do some of the details have qualities in common? Do certain details create a


3.How do the details connect with the novel’s overall meaning?

4.How do these particular details help develop the themes of the novel?


Choose at least one literary element that relates to your topic and that stands out in your notes. Draft a sentence that states your idea, or conclusion about, the effects or purposes of the elements you have chosen to examine. Here is an example of a strong thesis statement for a literary analysis of Shakespeare’s ? Macbeth?: 


The animal images in ?  Macbeth? symbolize Macbeth’s transition from brave soldier to cornered tyrant by emphasizing how his overreaching ambition leads to his destruction?. 




·?         Follow MLA Format                                                  

·         ? Typed?           

·?          3 pages min. 

·?         Include? ? at least 1? quotation from the selected reading per BODY? ? paragraph 




Important Information: 


·?         For every quotation you use from the play, you must include a parenthetical citation after the ? quotation that includes the act, scene, and line numbers of the quotation.  



·?         Make sure your thesis is clear.  It is the single most important sentence in your paper.  If it ?  isn’t clear, everything else in your writing will fall apart. 


·?         Make sure each paragraph of the body of your paper has a clear topic sentence.  Without ?         those, the reader has no idea where you are taking him/her in the body of your paper. 


·?         Be clear and specific in your writing.  Get to the point and move on.  Do not summarize the ?plot of the play, talk about the concept you have chosen and how the quotation illustrates your point. 

