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media thesis assignment    will be deconstructing media through a…

media thesis assignment 


will be deconstructing media through a critical lens.  

You will pick a problem or theme you see in the media.  For example, women portrayed as objects, men portrayed as only valuable if muscular, women portrayed with only one ideal body, etc.
Next, you will create a thesis for it.
After your thesis , you will need to find FIVE different pieces of media to evaluate. (YOU NEED FIVE).  You need to have at least one commercial.  They must be for five different products as well.   They also must be from the last 20 years. A good website to get advertisements off of is:
Next, you will create a Google Slideshow to explore this theme.  Each piece of media must show this problem/theme.  First, show the piece of media.  Next, evaluate it in at least 150 words.  Think back to the deconstruction framework (listed below) as well as ethos, pathos, and logos and include at least some elements in your evaluation.
Authorship – Who created this message?
Format – What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?
Audience – How might different people understand this message differently?
Content – What values, lifestyles, and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message?
Purpose – Why is this message being sent?
The final two slides,  You will first write a reflection on how you feel about this theme/problem. It should be at least 150 words long.  The final slide  Next, use the following rubric to mark yourself (Put a copy in your slideshow) and explain why you gave yourself the marks that you did.

two of the slide examples: 

Thesis: Children are portrayed as problematic and are unfairly blamed for causing all sorts of troubles for their parents.



In this ad for Huggies wipes, an innocent child is shown peacefully eating from a yogurt cup.  Behind her a wall can be seen that is covered in what looks like splotches of food implying that the child has made the mess. Although this child is clearly unable to walk on her own, she is being blamed for this enormous mess.  This child is portrayed as a huge problem, causing damage to a wall, pictures, and even the carpet.  This portrayal is unfair as it would be the parent or caregiver who put them in this position to do damage to the items, but this ad puts all the responsibility on this child.  This is not a fair portrayal, because although children can be messy, there are individuals around that can prevent it.  The child should not be shown as problematic when it is just a lack of skill and control due to their age.