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the thesis or claim   Is the claim an argument of evaluation? Does…

the thesis or claim 

Is the claim an argument of evaluation? Does it make a critical judgment about something? 

Does the claim establish clearly what’s being evaluated? 

Is the claim too sweeping or too narrow? Does it need to be qualified or expanded? 

Will the criteria used in the evaluation be clear to readers? Do the criteria need to be defined more precisely?  

Are the criteria appropriate ones to use for this evaluation? Are they controversial? Should they be defended?  

Is enough evidence provided to show that what’s being evaluated meets the established criteria? If not, what additional evidence is needed? 

Is the evidence in support of the claim simply announced, or are its significance and appropriateness analyzed? Is more detailed discussion needed? 

Are any objections readers might have to the claim, criteria, or evidence adequately addressed? 

What kinds of sources are cited? How credible and persuasive will they be to readers? What other kinds of sources might work better? 

Are all quotations introduced with appropriate signal phrases (such as “As Tyson argues, …”) and blended smoothly into the writer’s sentences? 

Are all visual and multimodal sources introduced and commented upon to point out their significance? 

How does the opening get and hold attention: through use of a vivid image or example, a memorable personal anecdote or narrative, a startling quotation or question? 

How are the parts of the argument organized or presented? Is this organization effective? 

Will readers understand the relationships among the claims, supporting reasons, warrants, and evidence? If not, how might those connections be clearer? Does every visual serve a clear purpose? Are more transitions needed? Would headings or graphic devices help? 

Is the function of every visual (or other elements such as audio or video clips) clear? Are all multimodal elements carefully integrated into the text? Is each visual labeled as a figure or a table and given a caption as well as a citation? 
Is the style suited to the subject? Is it too formal, casual, or technical? Is it well-paced? Can it be improved? 

Which sentences seem effective? Which ones seem weaker, and how could they be improved? Should short sentences be combined, and any longer ones be broken up? 

How effective are the paragraphs? Too short or too long? How can they be improved? 

Which words or phrases seem effective? Do any seem vague or inappropriate for the audience or the writer’s purpose? Are technical or unfamiliar terms defined? 

Are there any errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and the like? 

Is the documentation appropriate and consistent?
Does the paper or project follow an appropriate format? Is it well designed and attractively presented?

See these two essays and answer these question with separate answers.