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benitothegreatest The reading is below for this question!   The specific format for…The reading is below for this question! The specific format for the SQQR is as follows: (S)UMMARY: Begin with a three to six sentence statement of the main argument of the reading. (Q)UESTION: Add a discussion question that shows engagement with the readings and that focuses on the learning goals of the class. Try to ensure this question is about rhetoric or persuasive language. (Q)UOTATION: Add a quotation from the reading that says something meaningful about how rhetoric operates in health and medicine or that provides a definition of a key concept. Include page numbers. (R)ELATION: Explain how some concept, argument, vocabularly, or quotation relates to or can be useful for your personal or professional life. Sometimes that usefulness could mean that it helped you think about something in a new way. You may quote or link back to the reading here but are not required to do so, as long as the connection because the content of the reading to your broader life or interests are made clear. Image transcription textCHAPTER ONE Medicalization Context, Characteristics, andChanges When I began teaching medical sociology in the 19705,the terrain of health and illness looked quite different … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 5 of this book. I am interested inthe social underpinnings of this expansion of med- TABLE 1.1Searches on Medicalization, August 25, 2005 ical juris… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 7 a medical problem; rather, itneeds to become defined as one. While the medical others, suchas sexual addiction and spouse abuse, are minimally m… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text8 CONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 9 icalization also focuses thesource of the problem in the individual rather than in the threefactors underlie most of those analyses. First, there w… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text10 CONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 11 (HRT) played a role in themedicalization of hyperactivity and menopause. Third- may placenew constraints on medicalization. Simon Williams an… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text12 CONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 13 inance. That is, physiciansconcurred with a patient’s appeal for a medical diagno Elsewhere,Williams contended that the more recent Foucauldian … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text14 CONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 15 The medicalization thesis,as it is now constituted, focuses to some degree on and anincreasingly buyer-driven system was emerging. Physi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text16 CONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 17 occurred in the context ofsuch important changes in medicine as the widespread lowedpharmaceutical companies and their sales representat… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text18 CONCEPTS MEDICALIZATION 19 (lasting at least sixmonths), involving multiple symptoms (pp. 435-36). Both condi-2002: 21). Paxil’s web page ( stresses t… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish