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ACTIVITY  Instructions: Select the option A, B, C, or D that BEST…


Instructions: Select the option A, B, C, or D that BEST describes EACH of the sentences and mark your choice. 

(A) The sentence is acceptable as it stands.  

(B) The sentence contains clichés or misused metaphors.  

(C) The sentence is incorrect grammatically or faulty in diction.  

(D) The sentence is too wordy, that is, repetitive or contains redundancies.  

1. In my opinion, I think that your suggestion to upgrade housing facilities in rural areas is  impractical. 


2. It is his view, and one which he strongly holds, that constitutionally elected governments  should not be toppled by force of arms.  


3. When the clerk raised his voice in protest, his boss asked him to hold his tongue since  empty vessels made the most noise. 


4. The extremely extravagant girl was so animated, cheerful and high-spirited, she was  invited to many parties. 


5. Is it any wonder why the children that Miss Brown knows behave like delinquents when  they have a heroine that thinks the worst of them and their kind? 


6. In the early years of one’s life, one must sow and build in order to reap the harvest of  achievement before the final curtain. 


7. There is no doubt in our minds about the person who committed this heinous and criminal  act. 


8. Donald and me are very disappointed with the outcome of the games.


 9. Any disease such as diabetes or cancer which are difficult to cure must be researched. 


10. The consensus of opinion was that the test was the easiest they have had in years. 


11. The principal and the parents launched the project as a rocket, but could not keep pace  with its speed above water. 


12. Though he seems to walk with an air of arrogance, he is a down-to-earth person who has  never lost the common touch. 


13. It is unreasonable to expect Robin and l to pay all expenses since you’re earning an  income also.  

14. The principal declared how the school was granted a holiday for the purpose of  celebrating its achievements.  


15. I have read two newspaper reports of the incident; however, the one in last week’s  newspaper is the most accurate.  


16. Being a productive worker, it requires hard work, a positive attitude, and a willingness to  learn from one’s mistakes.  


17. She is one of the most brilliant high-performing women who has been promoted to a  senior position in the company.  


18. It was their customary habit to reach school in time for general assembly. 


19. Instead of biting the bullet, many Jamaicans prefer to throw in the towel. 


20. My sister specializes in making a mountain out of molehill.