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Moral Dilemma – It’s Your Turn to Decide   Kholberg developed…

Moral Dilemma – It’s Your Turn to Decide


Kholberg developed hypothetical “moral dilemmas” to determine the stage at which someone is reasoning morally. Based on the person’s reasons for selecting certain actions as “the right thing to do” he could determine which stage of moral reasoning they were utilizing.


Step One: Review this chart carefully so can understand the various stages of moral development and the moral reasoning that is attached to each one stage.


Kholberg’s Sequence of Moral Reasoning – Table 15.1.docx 


Step Two: Read the Heinz Dilemma. 

                                                        Heinz Dilemma
Your spouse is near death from an unusual kind of cancer.  One drug exists that the physicians think might save her—a form of radium that a scientist in a nearby city has recently developed.  The drug, however, is expensive to manufacture, and the scientist is charging 10 times what the drug cost him to make.  He pays $1,000 for the radium but charges $10,000 for a small dose. You have gone to everyone you know to borrow the money, but you can get together only $2,500—one quarter of what you need.  You’ve told the scientist that your spouse is dying and asked him to sell it more cheaply or let you pay later.  But the scientist said, “No, I discovered the drug and I’m going to make money from it.”  In desperation, you consider breaking into the scientist’s laboratory to steal the drug for your spouse.  Would you steal the drug?


Step 3: Prepare your report. 

1. Would you steal the drug (In a complete sentence)?
2. Why or why not? Please explain why or why not in detail (In a well developed paragraph with explanations).
3. Which one of Kholberg’s Stage of Moral Reasoning  (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) did you place yourself (explain in detail and support your response)? 
4. Why did you select this stage?   (Be sure to cite wording directly from the chart to from the “Level”  or the “Stage” areas that supports this.)  Please explain why not in detail (Create a well developed paragraph with explanations and examples). Use text references to the extent possible.

Note: There are no right or wrong answers.  You will not be judged by your response.  You just need to select the stage and explain why you chose it. Connect your thought processes to Kholberg’s stage. Support all your statements with specific examples.