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Select a grade level and use the “Class Profile” as a sample class…

Select a grade level and use the “Class Profile” as a sample class of students. the “Procedures , Rules, Consequences, and Rewards” template.

Five procedures, including one procedure addressing students’ safe and responsible use of technology
The purpose of each procedure
Procedure steps and activities
When each procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced
Assessment and feedback
Please list 2-3 scholarly resources

Below your procedures use several words rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.

Part 2: Rules, Consequences, and Rewards

List five rules and five consequences for your future classroom that include:

Classroom behavior rules that create a safe and productive learning environment
Explanation of your consequences in action,
Description of where and how you will document the consequences.
Explanation of your personal reward system.
PLEASE list 2-3 scholarly resources


Student Name

English Language Learner



Race/ Ethnicity

Native Language






Performance Level

Math Performance 


Beryl   No Mid SES White English Female No   Grade level Two years above grade level – 268

At grade level


Procedure Example: Entering the Classroom
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced
To have classroom environment that is conducive to learning the moment class begins. 1. Walk in quietly (entering a new zone).
2. Get organized before the bell (sharpen pencil, homework ready …).
3. Begin working quietly on the warm-up (in your notebook with paper labeled). Teacher will introduce the procedure on the first day of school.  The teacher will model the procedure at the beginning of class for the first week of school. Teacher and students will repeat when reinforcement is needed or when new students join the class. Teacher will watch for students who follow the steps correctly and will positively reinforce the students.
Procedure #1  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced


Procedure #2  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced



Procedure #3  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced



Procedure #4  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced



Procedure #5  
Purpose of procedure Procedure steps 
or activity When the procedure will be: Assessment
Introduced Modeled Practiced



Use several  word rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.






Part 2: Rules, Consequences, and Rewards System


List 5 rules and consequences for classroom behavior. Consequences should be applicable to all rules, and get progressively more stringent in order to coach student’s negative behaviors and allow them to demonstrate positive behaviors.
















Documenting Consequences:

Describe where and how you will document the consequences.



Reward System

Choose or use your own reward system for your future classroom. Be sure to address how you will document rewards. Ideally, this should avoid use of first and second person phrases, but focus on “Teacher will” or “Student will” concepts.



Use several words to rationale that explains how the system will help create a safe and productive learning environment.