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1. What is the definition of a hazard ?  Select one of the…

1. What is the definition of a hazard? 

Select one of the following

a) A situation or thing that is infectious.

b) A situation or thing that has the potential to cause harm

c) A situation or thing that has no potential to cause harm.

d) Something that requires clear signage to warn of danger


2. What is the definition of a risk?


Select one of the following

a) When you gamble on something and leave it luck to determine the outcome.

b) The possibility that harm (death, injury or illness) might occur when exposed to a hazard.

c) Risks are situations that raise adrenalin and have a high likelihood of death.

d) Something that requires clear signage to warn of danger.


3. Early childhood services are required to identify hazards that can cause risks to health and safety within the workplace, which is done through a step by step approach. Demonstrate you understand the correct order of hazard identification by matching the steps to the descriptions.

HINT: You can access Safework Australia to help you review the correct order of hazard management.

For each definition, select an option from the dropdown below it

Identify the hazard – You are required to find out what can cause harm

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4


Assess the Risk – You are required to identify how serious the harm could be and the likelihood

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4


Control risk – You are required to implement control measures to reduce the risk of harm

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4


Review control measure – You are required to make sure control measures are effective

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4


4. The Hierarchy of Control is a system for controlling risks, working from most effective to least effective strategies. At the top of the hierarchy is the highest level of protection and risk prevention strategies possible, through to the lowest and least reliable control measures.

Order each of the following strategies that control risk, in priority order from most effective to least.

HINT: You can access Safework Australia to help you with your understanding. 

Drag the items below to place them in the correct order

1 Isolate the hazard from people


2 Use personal protective equipment


3 Reduce the risks through engineering controls


4 Reduce exposure to the hazard using administrative controls


5 Substitute the hazard with a safer alternative


6 Eliminating the risk



5. Which of the following criteria does Safe Work Australia use to identify a task that could be hazardous (there can be more than one correct answer)?

Select all that apply


Repetitive movement

Repetitive or sustained force

High or sudden force

Sustained or awkward postures

Exposure to vibration

Walking on level ground