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A. DIRECTIONS: Rewrite these (2 -15) sentences below for clarity,…


Rewrite these (2 -15) sentences below for clarity,

utilizing active verb usage;

changing nouns into adjectives;

create clear cogent writing direct and to-the-point; then submit your answers 


1. Establish the subject first.
2. Move to the best active verb to deliver to the object of the sentence: S.V.O.




1. My sister is loud when she is telling her children to do their homework.



My sister screams when telling her children to do their work.


2. The restaurant’s food is excellent.

3. Jennifer Lawrence is the star of The Hunger Games.

4. Our mother was the driver of the bus.

5. The food at the restaurant is excellent. The hamburgers are juicy. The onion rings are crispy. The pie is the best I have ever eaten.

6. The restaurant’s parking lot is narrow. There are not very many parking spaces and those that are available are too cramped.

7. It is my intention to transfer to a four-year university.

8. There were some important findings resulting from this experiment.

9. He struggled with the paper that was assigned by the professor.

10. Electric car technology was in existence as early as 1830.

11. Negative advertising is influential on voters’ perceptions of candidates.

12. I am in receipt of your letter.

13. The stock market was fluctuating wildly before the crash.

14. The concept of immortality is intriguing to me.

15. In my opinion I think that the narrator is trying to tell a story that is interesting and engaging to

audiences that are very young.


B. Directions: Put parentheses around the verb at the end of the sentence in questions 1-12. These questions will test your ability to isolate the subject of the sentence. The subject dictates the verb — always.

The pain in my back and shoulders (was, were) getting worse. 

Each of the guests (has, have) received invitations for three parties. 

There (has, have) to be some good profits in this deal for me to invest my money. 

One of my siblings (demands, demand) more attention than all of the others combined. 

This tree is one of those varieties that (needs, need) constant pruning and fertilizing. 

The furniture in all of those stores (has, have) to be the ugliest I have ever seen. ???

A room for the night and some dinner (is, are) what I need. 

The rock star, along with her bodyguard, (is, are) leaving the auditorium. 

Near the edge of the street (stands, stand) a tall oak and a short elm. 

Each of these instructional tapes (teaches, teach) a different skill. 

This pile of exam papers (has, have) given me such a headache. 

Computer electronics (interests, interest) Jorge..