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Read the following articles about the writing process:  “Madman,…

Read the following articles about the writing process: 
“Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge: Roles and the Writing Process”Links to an external site. 
“The Writing Process” ( from the Daily Writing Tips website)Links to an external site.
Next read the following articles about active reading:
“6 Reading Habits”Links to an external site. from Harvard
Chapter 1.1 in Writing for Success (“Reading and Writing in College”)–Just the Reading part links to an external site.
As you read, note the key elements that build good skills. 


Double Entry Reflection Log

Summary area: Provide a brief summary of the main points of the article. The first one has been done for you. For each summary, write at least four sentences. 

Left column: Add quotations from the articles indicated. A sample from “Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge” has been done for you. 

Right column: Write your reaction to each quotation (at least three sentences per reaction). A sample has been done for you. 

Summary of “Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge”: 

This article by Betty S. Flowers lays out a basic process for producing writing. Flowers’s system acknowledges that the hardest part of writing is often getting started or keeping going once started. She suggests beginning with the “madman”, who ignores the voice of judgment and just gets down all the writer’s ideas. Then, after a day, she suggests bringing in the “architect” who will eliminate most of what the madman wrote, but will keep what is good and put it in an order that makes sense. The “architect” operates on the paragraph level. After the architect’s work, the “carpenter” comes in to work on individual sentences and paragraphs. Finally, the “judge” is allowed in to edit and perfect the writing. 


What It Says (Choose 3 quotations) What I Think (3+ sentences)

Sample: “The carpenter nails these ideas together in a logical sequence, making sure each sentence is clearly written, contributes to the argument of the paragraph, and leads logically and gracefully to the next sentence.”


Sample: This part is one I often forget. I work on the overall argument and flow of my paper, like the “architect,” but I sometimes forget to work on the paragraphs. Making sure to use transitions is one way to help the “graceful” flow of a paragraph. 


Write in here






Summary: “The Writing Process” by the Daily Writing Tips website


What It Says (Choose 3 quotations) What I Think (3+ sentences)










Summary: “6 Reading Habits” from Harvard


What It Says (Choose 3 quotations) What I Think (3+ sentences)











Summary “Reading and Writing in College” from Chapter 1.1 of Writing for Success


What It Says (Choose 3 quotations)

What I Think (3+ sentences)







