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Hello,   I need assistance with responding to my peer’s writing…



I need assistance with responding to my peer’s writing plan which has been attached and answer the following questions:


State your peer’s argument about the persuasive topic.
How can your peer address the challenges that were identified about convincing your peer’s audience?
Offer one research or writing suggestion to help meet your peer’s identified goal.
What evidence would convince you as a reader?


The argument that I will be addressing in my persuasive essay is the discontinuation of U.S. military bases overseas. I chose this issue because I am currently serving in the United States Military as a Military Police Officer and have gotten to see firsthand the opposing views of having bases overseas. From my personal experience from being at an overseas base, I have gotten to see how the citizens of the host nations do not fancy the presence of U.S soldiers being stationed in their home. This topic is debatable because there is a side that believes military bases overseas help to keep our country safe as well as to give us an advantage. The other side believes that it is a waste of a budget, it isn’t the United States responsibility to protect all NATO members.

            My predicted audience would be those in the U.S military and government officials, as this will be the audience that can make the change happen. It may be challenging to convince this audience as politics are involved and government officials will argue with their party’s side. Also, this audience may not be open-minded and have difficulty seeing another perspective.

            I hope to persuade my audience into seeing the importance of why military bases overseas should be abolished. This essay will need to be properly organized and hold scholarly references to help reach my goal.

            The first of my key points is how the U.S could save money by removing bases overseas. I chose this point because a lot of unnecessary funding goes into U.S. overseas military bases. My second key point is the conflict that the American troops cause from inside the host nation. I chose this point because I have gotten to see firsthand the cultural differences and brewing tension by being in a host country. My final point is how that conflict will create negative reputation for the U.S that could lead to escalated problems in the future. I chose this point because I don’t believe that the U.S. should have to protect and assist every ally country.