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I need an annotated poem and one paragraph close reading of this….

I need an annotated poem and one paragraph close reading of this. Make it into a Doc if you can. Thank you!

Begin by reviewing these two sets of instructions on close and critical reading:

George Mason University Writing Center: Guide to Critical Reading Links to an external site.
Harvard University’s How to Do a Close Reading Links to an external site.
Next select one of the three pieces below. Each is a short poem you will later read for Module 2 (Origins), Module 3 (Realism, Naturalism, Romanticism) or Module 4 (Modernism, Post-Modernism & contemporary)
Module 2 option – “Upon being brought from Africa to AmericaLinks to an external site.” Phyllis Wheatley 1773
Module 3 option – “Tell all the truth but tell it slant -” by Emily DickinsonLinks to an external site., 1872
Module 4 Option – “The Summer Day” by Mary OliverLinks to an external site., 1990
Download the piece and save it as a Word document or .pdf file.
Using the comment feature and highlight feature, go slowly through the poem. Take notes all over it. Make at least eight comments in the margins where you offer your questions, your interpretations, and your reflection on any words or phrases that interest you.
If you need help, you can use this sample close reading assignmentLinks to an external site. – which uses a passage of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby – as a model.
?Next, write a one paragraph close reading (Use the sample close reading assignment Links to an external your guide.)
Start with a claim about the passage’s message, then carefully examine the poet’s key choices.
What CONNOTATIONS and DENOTATIONS do the words have?
What images or emotions do the phrases bring? WHY do they create a reaction in a reader?
Then bring it to a conclusion about the message. If you struggle to do this, try these templates:

Since the images _____ and __________, are often associated with ________, the author is trying to convey__________________
The word __________literally means___________, which is important because it illustrates the author’s argument_____________
Indeed, the phrase_____________ reminds a reader of________, furthering the author’s point__________________
Therefore, by emphasizing_____________ , the author maintains his critique that ______

All the links :

George Mason University Writing Center :

Harvard University’s How to Do a Close Reading Links to an external site:

Upon being brought from Africa to America :

Tell all the truth but tell it slant :

The Summer Day” by Mary Oliver :

Sample close reading assignment :