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To. The abacus Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb…

To. The abacus

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the imperfect tense.

In ancient times when people ____ How do they ____ Some people ____ But a Chinese invention __ The abacus _____ Many people still use abacuses today – it can be calculated very quickly after a little practice!


B. Do you want to eat something?

Martin is in a bad mood and answers questions negatively (P= question and R= answer).

Help Martin answer the questions using the negative words.

Copy stressed vowels if necessary: á é í o ú

1. Q: Do you want to eat something?
A: No, I don’t want to eat __.

2. Q: Do you know anyone in this photo?
A: No, I don’t know __

3. Q: Do you always ask questions in class?
A: No, I don’t ask questions in class ____.

4. Q: Do you need some papers to write?
A: No, I don’t need __

5. Q: Do you have any homework today?
A: No, I don’t have __


C. At the hotel


In the following sentences identify the names of direct object (me, te, lo/la, nos, los/las) and indirect (me, te, le, nos, les) and then replace them with their corresponding pronouns when rewriting the sentences.

When using indirect and direct object pronouns together in the same sentence, the indirect one goes first. The two pronouns must stay beside each other, and the usual object pronoun placement rules apply. 

(Subject) + (no) + indirect object pronoun + direct object pronoun + verb etc.

An interesting thing happens when two third-person object pronouns are used together (e.g. “give it to them” or “receive them from her”): both the indirect and the direct object pronouns in the third person start with the letter “L”. For purely phonetic reasons (and not meaning to cause confusion with the reflexive pronoun!), the indirect object pronoun in those situations changes to “se”.

Airfare for you? I put them in this envelope.

(The plane tickets for you? I put them in this envelope for you.)


1. Your passport? Did not _____ _____ return?

       (Your passport? Didn’t I return it to you?)

2. Mom printed my boat card and she will dár__________ upon entering the security checkpoint.

     (Mom printed my boarding pass and she is going to give me it when we go in the security checkpoint.)

3. Airline tickets? (The plane tickets?)

      _____ _____ sent by email. (They sent them to us by email.)