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ConstableBat2974 John Adams was the second president of the United States,…John Adams was the second president of the United States, succeeding George Washington who famously retired from the office after two terms, an important start to establishing the peaceful transfer of power in America’s new democracy. Adams, unlike Washington, was not a popular president for many reasons including his passing of the Alien and Sedition Acts which many people felt returned the government to a more authoritative stance. Thomas Jefferson was one of Adams’ most ardent political opponents mainly over the question of whether the federal or the state governments should have predominant authority. John’s one main supporter, confidant, and friend during his presidency, but also through his entire career, was his wife Abigail. John and Abigail Adams can be understood as America’s first power couple. While Martha Washington and most other founding fathers’ wives stayed out of politics as far as we can tell from the documents left behind, we know Abigail was very much involved in advising her husband. How do we know this? Because they saved their letters written over decades, over 300 letters. They were often separated while John served as an international ambassador, a representative to the Continental Congress, and as a federal politician. Their letters are now considered precious historical documents, preserved in archives. InstructionsRead all of the letters between John and Abigail from the text.Choose several of your favorite letters, a few from each spouse.Rewrite the letters in current, modern language as if they were written back and forth as text messages on cell phones instead of as hard copy letters delivered on horseback.Write 200 words of a texting exchange between John and Abigail using ideas from several of their letters in a back and forth conversation. Use the titles of the letters to guide your conversational topics.Be creative using modern language and words to create the text messages, but always keep them grounded in the actual ideas, quotes, and details from the original letters.After creating your texting conversation, write a paragraph comparing the instant communication of today vs. the slow letter writing of the 18th century. What is gained and lost?  (100 words)Write a second paragraph demonstrating your understanding of the role these two writers played in establishing a new nation while simultaneously living a real life of marriage, family, farming, and disease. (100 words)Submit your texting conversation and your two paragraphs, for a total of 400 words. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish