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James gee -…

James gee –

Fish, Stanley –

Vershawn Ashanti Young –

Laura Greenfield –



Writing Like Scholars, Not Students


The purpose of this assignment is to support your apprenticeship into academic Discourse, and to encourage you to think more about the issues the texts we’ve read have brought up for you and your classmates.  



In this particular assignment, you’ll practice writing as academics do, which means:

Composing something that’s driven by an exigence that matters to you (rather than one a teacher designed) that’s related to the texts we’ve read in class
This means I am not giving you a specific question to answer. You decide what issue(s) needs to be addressed and/or explored.


Composing for a target audience (rather than “for my teacher”)
This means you’re not thinking about “impressing” the teacher. (After all, I’m giving credit for labor.) Instead, you’re writing to the audience that can best respond to your exigence. If that’s to other academics, write to them. If that’s to high school administrators, write to them. If that’s to 8th graders on Twitter, write to them. 

Composing in a genre that you believe best helps you accomplish your purpose (rather than “this must be in ‘standard English'” or “this must be in essay form”)
This means that this does not necessarily need to be in “typical” essay form. Does a set of slides with notes seem like the right genre to reach your audience? Does your audience respond better to the spoken rather than the written word? Would they be more likely to read a Twitter thread?



Here’s how to earn all 25 points for this project:

Rhetorical Situation Awareness: Has this writer made choices that demonstrate they’ve considered their rhetorical situation? Is it clear there’s an exigence driving the composition, a target audience, and a genre that’s well-suited to reaching that audience? 

Labor Investment: If you decide you can best convey your message via an essay, aim for 3-5 pages. If you build a PowerPoint, aim for 15-20 slides with notes. If you record a podcast-style discussion, aim for 8-10 minutes. If you decide to complete this project in some other way, talk to me about what the labor might look like. 


Engaging with Scholars: Engage directly and regularly with what you’ve read. Include at least 5 quotes from the texts we’ve read together (Gee, Fish, Young, Greenfield). You can use all four texts, or some of them, or dive deeply into one. All academics engage with the scholarship of other academics when they write, so you’ll need to, too.