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JudgeCoyotePerson908 1. Identify the author’s “conclusion” (main point) in the following…1. Identify the author’s “conclusion” (main point) in the following paragraph:

Did you hear about the cruise missile strike the President ordered on a pharmaceuticals factory in the Sudan? I’ll bet I know what the strike was about: directing media attention away from the President’s scandals. There’s nothing like a good military action to keep people disinterested in corruption in the government.

What’s more, it was later determined that there were no illicit weapons operations in the factory that was destroyed. Clearly, the President just picked out a likely target for destruction in a place too far away for Americans to care too much about (but enough so that they wouldn’t pay attention to his scandals), got some half-baked information indicating the possibility of a chemical weapons factory in the area, and destroyed it without any regard for the veracity of his information or for the lives of the people of the Sudan.

A. The missile strike was an accident.

B. The President planned the missile strike as a diversion tactic.

C. No one, especially the President, cares about Sudan.

2. Identify one rival cause for the event in the following paragraph:

Did you hear about the cruise missile strike the President ordered on a pharmaceuticals factory in the Sudan? I’ll bet I know what the strike was about: directing media attention away from the President’s scandals. There’s nothing like a good military action to keep people disinterested in corruption in the government.

What’s more, it was later determined that there were no illicit weapons operations in the factory that was destroyed. Clearly, the President just picked out a likely target for destruction in a place too far away for Americans to care too much about (but enough so that they wouldn’t pay attention to his scandals), got some half-baked information indicating the possibility of a chemical weapons factory in the area, and destroyed it without any regard for the veracity of his information or for the lives of the people of the Sudan.

Group of answer choices

A. The President ordered a missile strike because he wanted to misdirect attention from himself.

B. A deadly terrorist was building the material needed for bombs at the pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan.

C. Americans watch too much television.

D. Drugs made outside the US are not regulated by the FDA.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish