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Read the following sample research paper. As you read, make note of…

Read the following sample research paper. As you read, make note of the many problems that you notice. Address those problems in your initial post. Some things to consider:

Does the essay use MLA correctly? Are the parenthetical citations correct? The Works Cited entries?
Does the essay use signal phrases to introduce outside sources? Is it easy to differentiate between source information and the author’s own assertions?
What is the essay’s thesis? Does it meet the criteria for an effective thesis?
Paragraph development–does each body paragraph support the claim made in the topic sentence with valid sources? Are the sources credible? Are the sources contextualized?
Any other suggestions or concerns?

Here it Goes – the “Really Bad ‘Research’ Paper” (if you can really call this a Research Paper!):

Stem Cell Research Benefits American Society

                I believe that stem cell research isn’t right. You can’t just take part of a person and copy it for your benefit.      


                Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.    


                Pro-cloning forces have been working hard to convince state governments to pass constitutional amendments enshrining a “right” to clone and to destroy embryos for research. Such amendments promise medical cures, limitless profits, and ethical benchmarks. But all of these promises are false. In this pamphlet we show how such claims fall apart, and how you can effectively oppose cloning amendments in your state. (Do No Harm).


                Stem Cells research is not beneficial because 80% of the specimens die within twenty four hours. (Coley 7). Many of these damaged cells have no scientific significance (Coley, 7). What would you do if someone asked you to donate your cells in the future?         


Works Cited

Avery, Krista. “Stem Cell Research is Unethical.” Stem Cell Research Online. 12 Mar. 2002. 23 Oct. 2008.

“Stem Cell Organization.” U.S. Center for Stem Cell Research. 15 April 2008. 10 Dec. 2008.


Jones, Albert. Stem Cell Research Today. Chicago: Dover, 2007.