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For this assessment, you will need to create a short PowerPoint…

For this assessment, you will need to create a short PowerPoint presentation on three television advertisements and where they fit in the modes of persuasion. Each of the three advertisements can be classified as ethos, logos, or pathos. These concepts were covered in the Week 5 lecture, and you can also find the three videos in the Week 5 module as well. 


This presentation is a chance to work on slideshow skills before your final presentation. You are expected to create a PowerPoint presentation that is visually appealing and uses images, bullet points, and other formatting techniques to create something well-organized and easy to read. You are not required to use voiceover or audio for this presentation. 


To get started, please watch all three videos in the Week 5 module. As you review these commercials, consider what modes of persuasion they are using to sell their product or reach their audience. Classify each video as either ethos, logos, or pathos. 


Each of your main slides should include the following:


Identify a commercial as ethos, pathos, or logos


Define the mode of persuasion in your own words
Write a definition in the ‘notes’ section of your slide.


Justify and validate this choice using examples from the video and your own personal reflections


Write  justification and reflection in the ‘notes’ section of your slide
Use bullet points to briefly sum up your examples and reflections as needed, but remember to keep your slide visually appealing and uncluttered


Locate and integrate at least one appropriate graphic or picture per slide

The three commercials we are told to use are:

Budweiser Commercial
Zelda Commercial
Lysol Commercial


To get full credit you will have to meet these requirements:


40 points

40-32 points

Assignment correctly identifies which advertisement represents ethos, pathos, and logos. Understanding of the three modes of persuasion is demonstrated through clear, unique definitions.







30 points

30-24 points

Justification for each advertisement is given on the appropriate slide, mostly utilizing the ‘notes’ section. Evidence is thorough enough to clearly defend    reasoning. Justification includes both examples and personal reflection.


20 points

20-16 points

PowerPoint presentation is easy to read and navigate. Graphics are included on each slide and relate to the presented information. Bulleted lists are used to break up information. Majority of information is placed in ‘notes’ section.



10 points

10-8 points

Written sections are mostly free of errors in areas such as spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and tense. The information is easily understood by the reader.