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With classmates, you will explore the major concepts of this course…

With classmates, you will explore the major concepts of this course through collaborative discussions. Each discussion will have different instructions, requirements, and deadlines — so pay close attention!  In this discussion, you will work with classmates to determine goals, norms, and expectations for this unit’s Peer Review activity. (Note: you will conduct your Peer Review in a separate discussion assignment.)

This unit’s discussion is designed to help you maintain metacognition about your writing. “Metacognition” is a term that means “thinking about your thinking.” Maintaining metacognitive awareness of your writing process will help you apply what you learn in this class to future writing. After all, just following orders or working through pre-ordained steps is the opposite of thinking critically!

This discussion will ask the class to converse about peer review and set norms and expectations. Your instructor will enter into the discussion to help point out common themes and help the class establish norms for peer reviews.


Describe peer review (CLO 1)
Identify effective practices in giving peer review feedback (CLO 1, CLO 4)


Pair and Share

Pair and Share


After completing the readings for this unit, post that answers ALL of these questions. Your initial post, which is due by Wednesday, should be somewhere in the 400 word range, although the quality is more important than quantity.

Describe your most important takeaways from this unit’s readings and resources on peer review. What stood out to you, and why? Name at least one specific suggestion from our readings that you plan to use during this unit’s peer review.
How do the readings for peer review compare with your prior experience with peer review?
Having thought about and read about peer review, what should we as a class should keep in mind this week? What norms and expectations should we hold each other to with our peer reviews?
Having read and thought about peer review, what would you say are the purposes of peer review? In other words, why is peer review such a big part of so many writing courses — including this one?
By Friday, read ALL of your classmates’ posts. Then, create a NEW post that identifies the common themes and ideas you noticed in our discussion so far. What norms and expectations have we identified? How might we adjust our next peer review to make it more meaningful and valuable for everyone?