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MinisterAnteaterPerson484 How to write an essay ON THESE TWO GREEK MYTHS?  REMEMBER: THE…How to write an essay ON THESE TWO GREEK MYTHS?  REMEMBER: THE MAIN THEME(S) ARE RELATED TO THE RASHNESS AND/OR FOOLISHNESS OF YOUTH AND ABOUT CAUTIOUS AND THOUGHTFUL OLD AGE. The Greeks were trying to show that youth sometimes doesn’t listen to the aged; and, often it is to their detriment and the detriment of others. Image transcription text194 MYTHOLOGY is a very pedestrian writer and Ovid is far fromthat. But in this case I have followed Apollodorus. Ovid’s accountover hi shows him at his worst, sentimental and excla… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textFOUR GREAT ADVENTURES 195 over him. The afflicted fatherflew safely to Sicily, where he was received kindly by the King.Minos was enraged at his escape and determined to fi… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text.c by gra- t on She rned pro- e. A t let 8 / Four Great AdventuresPHAETHON This is one of Ovid’s best stories, vividly told, detailsare, used not for mere decoration, but to heighten the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text182 MYTHOLOGY doors, and into the throne-room wheresurrounded by a blinding, blazing splendor the Sun-god sat. Therethe you. I kr must yie lad was forced to halt. He could b… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text183 FOUR GREAT ADVENTURES unded by you. I know I cannotrefuse. I have sworn by the Styx. I There the must yield if youpersist. But I do not believe you will. Listen while I tell … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text184 MYTHOLOGY gave up trying to dissuade him. It washopeless, as he saw. Besides, there was no time. The moment forstart- sky and th ing was at hand. Already the gates of t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text185 FOUR GREAT ADVENTURES ss, as he sky and then, plungingheadlong down, they set the or start- world on fire. The highestmountains were the first to glowed burn, Ida and Helic… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text186 MYTHOLOGY were turned into poplar trees, on the bank ofthe Eridanus, er Where sorrowing they weep into the streamforever. g le And each tear as it falls shines in the wate… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textDAEDALUS Both Ovid and Apollodorus tell this story.Apollodorus lived probably more than a hundred years after Ovid.He… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish