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CommodoreCobraPerson900 Help please 1 to 20. THE OPIOID CRISIS IN AMERICA 485 requiring…Image transcription textThe Opioid Crisis In America she was Scott Perlez as thereinaware family? Preview n in her ve been It’s no secret that theUnited States is dealing with a horrific drug-addiction … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text482 PART TWO Ten Reading Selections prescriptions for coughsyrup, codeine, and hydrocodone. Tess eventually becameaddicted to heroin and methamphetamine. Even enroll… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHE OPIOID CRISIS IN AMERICA 483 called morphine. It was aform of opium (the root of today’s word “opioid”), adrug derived from the poppy plant. By make its way int… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text484 PART TWO Ten Reading Selections In the midst of this newdefinition 17 companies, the businesses that produce of pain,pushed and promoted by drugs, enthusiastically suppo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHE OPIOID CRISIS IN AMERICA 485 requiring greater doses toachieve the desired effect. Users require ever more pills to escapetheir pain and feel like that produced OxyContin, was … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text486 PART TWO Ten Reading Selections of fentanyl continue tokill Americans living in hell. Everyone has loved at an increasingrate, from unemployed someone who has died from an… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTHE OPIOID CRISIS IN AMERICA 487 suddenly had access toopioids. There isn’t a need for punishment; there’s a relationshipwith certain politicians, one need to prevent access to … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text488 PART TWO Ten Reading Selections 4. Which sentence bestexpresses the main idea of paragraph 14? A. People should nothave to suffer from pain when there are drugs that can… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTransitions THE OPIOID CRISIS IN AMERICA 489 10. In theexcerpt below, what does the second sentence do? A. It comparesopioid overdoses to overwhelmed coroners. B. It contr… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text490 PART TWO Ten Reading Selections 15. The author suggeststhat A. most Americans are completely unaware of how bad theopioid crisis is B. although opioid addicts should not be… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textCritical Reading THE OPIOID CRISIS IN AMERICA 491 20. Thesentence below is A. a fact. B. an opinion. C. both fact and opinion.”Since 2000, more than 200,000 Americans hav… Show more… Show moreHelp please 1 to 20Arts & HumanitiesEnglish