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GrandStarHippopotamus6  little research about anything in Teeth Never Sleep. There are… little research about anything in Teeth Never Sleep. There are two approaches to take here: either look up information about places, ideas, references, unfamiliar terms or anything else in any of the poems OR identify a poetry device you think is important in this book (for instance, imagery or diction), find an example of it in a poem in the book, and then look up more information about that device (an article, video explanation, etc). List the URL link for your source and title of the article, website or video. Then, summarize the source in  sentences and explain how it added to your understanding of the book or an individual poem.  Next, talk about one theme in this book and how it is explored in a few of the poems. Theme in literature means the underlying topic(s). So, for example, the literal subject of Marilyn Chin’s “How I Got That Name” is the story of how her father picked out her American name. But the themes are the larger ideas she’s getting at in the poem, such as Asian American identity, the experience of being an immigrant, father-daughter relationships, gender roles and race. There are many themes in Teeth Never Sleep.Pick just one theme and say what it is. Then, find two poems that you think deal with this theme and explain HOW they speak to this theme. Step 3In the last paragraph, find one quote in the assigned interview between Iliana Rocha and Ángel GarcíaLinks to an external site. that you think gives important insight into the book. Introduce the quote, and then explain it. Then, explain why you think it’s so helpful in understanding García’s poems. Step 4Finally, offer  sentences of your assessment of the book. You can talk about which poem(s) stayed with you and why, whether they put tears in your eyes, confused you, angered you, inspired you or otherwise made you feel something. You could share any questions you still have about the book. If you could relate to the book, say why. Or just say whether you think it’s a good book, and why or why not.Try to be as specific and thorough as possible in your answers. Explain your thinking and give examples.  Arts & HumanitiesEnglish