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A. Introduction and statement of problem: 1. Does the title…

A. Introduction and statement of problem:
1. Does the title effectively focus the paper and pique the reader’s interest? How could the title be improved?
2. How does the writer convince you that a problem exists and that it is significant (worth solving) and solvable?
3. How does the writer give the problem presence?
4. Who is the proposed audience?  Is the issue appropriate for the proposed audience?
5. How could the writer improve the presentation of the problem?

B. Proposed solution:
1. Does the writer’s thesis clearly propose a solution to the problem? Could the thesis be made clearer or more precise? Is it following A should do B because of C.?
2. Does the writer give you enough details about the solution so that you can understand it and see how it works? How could the writer make the solution clearer?


C. Justification:
1. In the justification section, does the writer provide strong reasons for acting on the proposal? Are the reasons supported with details and evidence, and do they appeal to the values and beliefs of the audience?
2. How could the writer improve support for the proposal?
3. Where does the writer anticipate and address opposing views or alternative solutions? How does the writer convince you that the proposed solution is superior to alternative solutions?
4. Has the writer persuaded you that the benefits of this proposal will outweigh the costs?  
5. Are there other unforeseen costs/consequences that the writer should acknowledge and address? Are there unforeseen benefits that the writer could mention?
6. How might the writer improve the structure and clarity of the argument?

D.  Use of source material:
1.  Does the essay contain an appropriate amount of material from outside sources (i.e. no more than 1/3)?
2.  Are the quotes formatted correctly?
3.  Are the quotes put in context?  Has the writer explained how they relate to the point being made?
4.  Is the works cited page formatted correctly?

E. Conclusion:
1. Does the conclusion offer a clear sense of closure?
2. Does the conclusion specify what the audience should do to solve the problem?

E. Sum up what you see as the chief strengths and problem areas in this draft.
1. Strengths
2. Problem areas
3. Does the essay conform to the assignment as you understood it?  Specifically, is it a problem/solution essay?

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