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niyoki Read Case Example 2.1: Using Fact-Finding and Engagement Questions…Read Case Example 2.1: Using Fact-Finding and Engagement Questions on pp. 71-74 of The Essential Counselor: Process, Skills, & Techniques. After reading the Case Example, answer the questions posed in the Case Discussion. Expand upon the questions posed integrating topical material from Chapter 2 into the assignment, with appropriate citations, to support your thoughts and conclusions and to demonstrate an understanding of the topical material. The questions include: Were the questions the counselor effective?What other questions could have been asked?If given the latitude to respond with interventions other than questions, what else could have been said?What are the primary issues on the table here, and how should the counselor begin to think about responding to them?The students has mentioned a potentially caustic set of relationships with other students and the teacher, perhaps even bullying and harassment. Should the counselor simple provide support for the student, taking action on her own behalf, or will the counselor need to advocate and act for her?The student has also talked about not being prepared prepared, and we can begin to speculate about reasons for that. Her size might be an issue. Might there be an eating disorder?Image transcription textChapter 2: Getting Started . 75 3. It’s interesting that a primaryissue in this counseling session had to do with the client’sdiscomfort with questions that people in her school w… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textChapter 2: Getting Started . 71 Thus, while closed questions mayserve the purpose of eliciting specific answers to special areas ofconcern-drug use, for example (Lavikainen & Lint… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text72 . The Essential Counselor STUDENT: Well, like yesterday inclass I The counselor is trying to picture this scene, and she beginsto get a better was called on, and I didn’t know the an- … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textChapter 2: Getting Started . 73 COUNSELOR: What does theteacher do about all of this, especially about The counselor iswidening the explo- what Tammy’s doing? ration of the… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text74 . The Essential Counselor Stons at one time, a beginner’smistake that can cause confusion f the client because this exampleexemplifies much of the complexity confronting Delor… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish