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I need help with this thesis/outline. Can someone please help me…

I need help with this thesis/outline. Can someone please help me out with this? Questions and outline is below.

How far should humans go to protect the environment?

1. Introduction (Avoid using first and second person pronouns in your academic writing.)


A. Hook your audience. (Relate it to the topic and thesis and begin forming a foundation of common ground required by the Rogerian style of argument. Show how you and your audience share the problem.)


B. Identify the principle. (Give background/ context to help your audience. understand clearly the principle that will be used. Connect your hook to your thesis.)


C. Explain the opposition to your argument, demonstrate that common ground is possible, and state how that common ground may be found.


D. State your thesis. (Makes a clear ethical argument that is debatable.)


2. Several Body Paragraphs to Address Opposing Arguments and Demonstrate Understanding/Common Ground(When using Rogerian argument, the opposing viewpoints can be included in any order in the body of the essay and usually come earlier to aid in establishing a common ground.)


A. Topic Sentence: Explain the viewpoint(s) that oppose(s) yours.


B. Evidence: Opinions, example(s), fact(s) from correctly cited quotes, paraphrases, and/or summaries that support the opposition argument introduced in the topic sentence. (Should be in terms of the principle that you are using.)


C. Analysis: Your explanation of the opposing viewpoints and a demonstration of understanding (common ground).


D. Summative Sentence: Restates the topic sentence in a new way and transitions your ideas from one paragraph to the next. Use appropriate transitional words and sentences throughout your essay.


3. State Your Argument


A. Topic Sentence: Explain Your Position


B. Evidence: Opinions, example(s), fact(s) from correctly cited quotes, paraphrases, and/or summaries that support your argument introduced in the topic sentence. (Should be in terms of the principle that you are using.)


C. Analysis: Your explanation of your argument that connects both sides of the argument seeking possible compromise and showing that you understand there are situations in which the opponent’s viewpoints are valid (concession).


D. Summative Sentence: Wraps up the paragraph and includes a transition into the conclusion paragraph.


4. Conclusion Paragraph

A. Summarizes main points of your body paragraphs.

B. Restates your thesis claim in a new way.

C. Leaves reader with final thought and/or call to action.