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K.gonzalez1999 Describe and analyze a relationship in which you are able to…Describe and analyze a relationship in which you are able to observe within a good amount of time in order to know the nuances, history, and current status of that relationship. You can make up their names but has to be a real person it can be anyone in your life.(mom and dad, brother and sister-in-law, your friend and their partner, etc.) You must use at least five terms from the book Interplay by Adler 14th edition. (15 th edition is ok) and those terms have to be underlined.  In using those terms, you have to identify the situation where the term is being applied, what the term means, and why that term applies to that specific situation, and how it helps with your analysis. The relationship must consist of interaction that takes place between two people. It can be a social relationship, a romantic relationship, a professional relationship, or other. This also has to be a relationship where the participants are 16 years old, or older. Children should not be used in your paper.  In your observations you can describe the following:Who are the people involved in the relationship and what are their roles?Is there a sense of power or authority of one over the other?Is the relationship positive or negative?What is unique about this relationship?What type of relationship is this?Is this a healthy relationship?Other aspects of the relationship that you deem important to share.Once you describe the relationship, you will need to provide an analysis of what you observe. Forexample, if the relationship is romantic, is there a sense that one has authority over another and is not equal.? What makes you say that?  What attributes or characteristics make one the authority, and how did that characteristic manifest itself? Keep in mind that I am looking for in-depth answers to your analysis. Is the person assertive? Do they show empathy towards each other? Is the relationship healthy, why or why not? Explain what assertiveness is and how it impacts relationships. These are just examples of analysis questions you can answer, but you are not limited to these alone, you are welcome to tackle other observations from the relationship.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish