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santanajose36 Introduction: Did your introduction meet the 45- to 1-minute…Introduction: Did your introduction meet the 45- to 1-minute requirement? If it is too long, how are you going to solve this issue?Nonverbal: Were you able to effectively use gestures or were you frozen in your stance? Did you fidget, sway, or have any other nonverbal actions that were distracting from your message? Would your audience be distracted by frequent vocal fillers, e.g., “um”? If you have too many vocal fillers, what is your strategy to control their use?Extemporaneous Speech: By the third session, were you able to deliver most of your speech without reading your notes? If you are still reading most of your notes by this stage, then practice, practice, and practice more. Supporting Evidence: Did you accurately cite all four sources (providing the author or organization name, year, etc.)? Was enough evidence provided to support your claims? If you have doubts about this, you may need to add more evidence. Technical: Comment on any technical issues and note how you will correct them for the final speech.Time: Did the sessions meet the 5- to 7-minute time requirement? If no, what information will be deleted or added to the outline?Improvement: List two delivery techniques that you will work on for the next speech.Image transcription text1, INTRODUCTION [ATTENTION STEP] A. Consider yourself in ahospital bed with a possibly deadly sickness. You have twochoices. Either go through an unsafe treatment with a … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe first issue is that many illnesses are complicated to diagnoseprecisely and quickly. ll. BODY [Some tumors are difficult toidentify until they have spread to other organs.] A. Mai… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text3. [The most plausible answer is to improve our diagnostic toolsand processes via technology. Technology can help us diagnoseillnesses more quickly, precisely, and affordably. Artific… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4. . Where medical mistakes and problems are widespread andexpensive, health disparities and inequities are widespread andunfair. 5. This bleak future awaits us if we do not recog… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text|consegunetly.] lll. CONCLUSION lyyou may learn about the mostrecent advances and projects in this sector and how it make adifference. B. Finally, I have shown how vital technolog… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish