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Untitled Title from The Love of a Good Woman, by Alice Munro The…

Untitled Title

from The Love of a Good Woman, by Alice Munro

The quotation “the water looked like 1.butterscotch pudding on the boil” (lines 16 to 17) provides an example of **

1 point

a. hyperbole

b. irony

c. simile

d. paradox

2.The images in lines 13 to 19 reinforce a sense of *

1 point

a. unrestricted freedom

b. nervous energy

c. endless monotony

d. imminent danger

3.Line 21 serves to emphasize the boys’ *

1 point

a. individual differences

b. preoccupation with their surroundings

c. secretive behavior

d. absorption in their journey

4.That the boys “spoke with casual regret, as if guns were readily available to them” (lines 36 to 37) reveals that they

1 point

presume to have the same privileges as adults

take for granted the right to behave inappropriately

imagine themselves as being free of responsibilities

envision themselves as members of an exclusive club

5. The detail “They crashed around for some time” (line 50) illustrates the boys’

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confused understanding of their purpose

enthusiastic attempts to outdo one another

indifferent attitude toward the environment

determined efforts to locate the object of their desire

6.The parenthetical comment in line 69 reveals the

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boys’ inattention to detail

impracticality of the boys’ plan

boys’ intention to conduct their activities in secret

ability of the boys to anticipate unexpected problems

7.That the boys “practically gave up using names” (lines 76 to 77) while together  outside of town stems from their

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disrespect for authority

need to impress one another

tendency to be competitive

familiarity with one another

8. The statement “Any one of at least a dozen boys could have been substituted for any one of these three, and accepted by the others in exactly the same way” (lines 90 to 92) is most strongly reinforced by the quotation

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“Most members of that company were between nine and twelve years old” (lines 92 to 93)

“Most of them lived in the north end of town” (line 95)

“there were notable differences as to how they lived at home and what was expected of them in life” (lines 99 to 100)

“These differences dropped away as soon as they were out of sight” (lines 100 to 101)

9. The excerpt focuses on the

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 camaraderie shared by the boys in their adventures

optimism with which the boys view the future

differences in social status among the boys

the distinctive character of each of the boys