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ProfKomodoDragon2363 The Ted Talk provided where Johann Hari explains the…The Ted Talk provided where Johann Hari explains the characteristics of addiction and the wrong ways in which society has responded to it, is actually a Ted Talk that I have watched before, and one that is one of my all time favorites. Hari goes into depth explaining a bit of a sensitive topic, as I know many of us most likely have or have had an addict in our lives. Before ever being aware of this theory of addiction, I, like the many other individuals out there, made the excuse that addiction was inevitable if drugs/alcohol/other coping mechanisms were used in an unhealthy and consistent manner. However, based on the new studies that have been conducted in order to disprove the old ones, we know that this is not the case. Addiction is a choice. A choice based on a lack of significance, connection and support in one’s life. Not every individual who touches drugs or alcohol is bound to become an addict, and some individuals who use these substances may never actually become addicts. My opinion on the war on drugs has altered since I first became aware of this theory regarding addiction. It is completely counteractive to punish individuals who have committed drug related crimes in terms of only using substances, based on how much it impacts their lives. Many addicts serve time in jail, isolating them from friends, family, coworkers, and any of the support systems that they do have. This creates many challenges once released from prison with not having a secure home or support system to return to, not being able to get a job, and essentially diminishing any happiness, or the things that addicts have to live for. I have knowledge on the changes that Portugal has made to their criminal justice system in decriminalizing all drugs, and in turn the great progress that their society has made. I would encourage the United States criminal justice to mirror the changes that they have seen to be beneficial in Portugal, as well as provide more support to those who have already been affected by the punishment system implemented for drug offenses. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish