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Hey I need your help I used AI for wording assistance and…

Hey I need your help

I used AI for wording assistance and formatting, but even after paraphrasing, it still doesn’t sound right. I’m feeling overwhelmed. Can you help simplify and make it sound more natural and change the layout of the document at the end?  I want the submission of the post to be clear, as if I had thought of it myself. I really need your help.


Image transcription text

Consider a recent purchase you made as you complete this assignment. Make sure you connect your responses
to the theory we have discussed in class and your reading. INSTRUCTIONS Contextualize Briefly explain the
purchase (what, where, cost, timeline) Map Self-actualization Create a motivation map to identify t…
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Length: 1-3 pahges 

I CHOOSE THE IPHONE 15 PRO MAX, BECUASE I LIKE IPHONE AND HAVE`T UPDATED FROM IPHONE 8 AND ITS BEEN MORE THAN 6 YEARS and my phone id dieing and have no software updates, camera sucks! 

Report 2: Purchase of iPhone 15 Pro MAX

Title: Analysis of the Purchase of an iPhone 15 Pro MAX
Submitted by: [Your Name]
Date: [Date]


An iPhone 15 Pro MAx was recently purchased from an Apple Store. The cost of the phone was in the higher price range, and the purchase was made on the launch day of the product.


The motivation for purchasing the iPhone 15 Pro MAX was driven by esteem needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy), reflecting a desire for status and ownership of the latest technology. Intrinsic factors include personal satisfaction and joy from using the latest technology, while extrinsic factors include social status and peer influence.


Opportunities Realized:

Apple’s marketing effectively highlighted the advanced features of the iPhone 15 Pro MAX.
The in-store experience and staff knowledge enhanced confidence in the purchase.

Opportunities Missed:

Limited customization options for the iPhone 15 Pro MAX.
No special promotions or offers were available for early purchasers.

Connection to Theory:

The emotional schema associated with the Apple brand and the joy and status derived from owning the latest iPhone model played a significant role in the purchase decision. The cognitive schema related to the product’s features and functionalities also influenced the decision. However, the lack of customization options and special offers were missed opportunities for enhancing the purchasing experience.