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Directions: Reading both Malcom X’s and Frederick Douglass’ essays,…

Directions: Reading both Malcom X’s and Frederick Douglass’ essays, please answer the below

Prompt: Both Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass were supporters of POC (people of color) getting an education. In this essay, you will explain why both men believed why it was necessary
for POC to get educated. In addition, discuss in what ways are they similar and different in their
beliefs and opinions

Suggested Essay Structure:

1. In your introductory paragraph, please include your thesis (you may want to frame your

thesis around the idea of education being important to POC). DO NOT forget to include the titles of each essay being used and the authors’ names in your intro essay.


2. Dedicate a few paragraphs to analyze Malcom X’s essay. Think: how did he receive his
education (what were his circumstances that started his educational journey)? How did he feel about getting educated? How did he use his education (did he hide it or share it – be detailed and specific)? Use quotes and examples from BOTH essays to prove your analysis.


3. Dedicate a few paragraphs to analyze Fredrick Douglass’ essay. Think: how did he receive his education (what were his circumstances that started his educational journey)? How did he feel about getting educated? How did he use his education (did he hide it or share it – be detailed and specific)? Use quotes and examples from BOTH essays to prove your analysis.


4. What are the similarities between Malcolm X and Douglass with regards to their experiences and beliefs about their educational journeys? Use quotes and examples from BOTH essays to prove your analysis


5. What are the differences between Malcolm X and Douglass with regards to their experiences and beliefs about their educational journeys? Use quotes and examples from BOTH essays to prove your analysis


6. In your concluding paragraph, discuss what we as readers should learn from both of these
essays. What were Malcolm X and Douglass trying to teach us?


Additional important information handout: About Education – important information.docx

Link 1 : ( )


Reading (Douglass): Douglass – LearningToRead AndWrite.pdf

Link 2 ( )


Reading (Malcolm X): Malcolm X – Learning to Read.pdf

Link 3 ( )