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Scenario Amanda is the centre director of a community-run early…


Amanda is the centre director of a community-run early childhood centre in a regional area. There is a diverse group of people in the local community, including Aboriginal (40%), European heritage (40%) and other races (20%). Amanda observes that the enrolment of Indigenous children in the centre is relatively low compared to other races. Amanda and her colleagues aim to improve the enrolment rate of Indigenous children this year. What might they do to encourage the Indigenous families to enrol their children in the centre?




1. Research design

 What methodology and research question could Amanda use to guide her study? What features of the research question show that it matches the suggested methodology? 
Think about what sort of information Amanda would be trying to gather, and what methodology would best suit this. Then, think about how the type of research question that you suggest matches the methodology.

Writing guide:  Research question reflects methodology for the type of question being posed, and gives reasons for suggesting this research question

Suggested question demonstrates sophisticated understanding of how research questions should reflect the chosen methodology.

Suggested methodology is appropriate for the topic of the scenario.

Provides a very comprehensive rationale drawing on multiple sources, including outside the textbook and suggested reading list.



1b. Using the question, you have suggested above, what sampling strategy would be appropriate? What groups of people would you recruit to take part, and why?  

Think about how the sampling strategy connects to your chosen methodology and type of research question.


Writing guide: Provides a sampling strategy and rationale for how this matches the chosen methodology and res Suggested sampling strategy demonstrates sophisticated understanding of connections between sample size and the chosen methodology and research question. Provides a very comprehensive rationale drawing on multiple sources, including outside the textbook and suggested reading list.

1c. How will you involve children in the research you are suggesting? Explain your rationale for this choice 

Writing guide: Provides an example/ of way/s children could be involved in the research and offers a rationale. Provides multiple examples of ways children could be involved in the research along with a very comprehensive rationale. Rationale draws on multiple sources, including outside the textbook and suggested reading list.