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Here is my entry for Journal assignment 1, I am now needing help on…

Here is my entry for Journal assignment 1, I am now needing help on journal assignment 2 but I will paste below my first journal so you have a example of how it should be done. This is a practical assignment that I am doing where I am teaching 2 students. (I understand this is kinda hard long assignment so please only do thls if your up for it I do not want to resubmit my questions please!)


Journal 1: PDF: 



Link for google doc incase you cannot view the PDF above:


Journal 2 Instructions:

Step 1: Write Y0ur Journal

Writ a journal entry for the week. The entry needs to include information about your area/topic of focus for the week:

Your practicum hours earned across the week and to date.
An explanation of your Practicum Project focus for the week, why you are focusing on it, and what you hope to learn.
The scholarly literature you are using this week as you design, implement and reflect on practicum experiences.
A description and reflection of two separate activities/experiences from your practicum this week.
Connections to your overarching Practicum Project Focus/Goals.
Looking Ahead.
Questions for the instructor, if applicable.

Your journal entries can be used as a resource to share and construct questions for your discussions with your Community Members (You have begun to interact with your Community Members in Module 3 through the Discussion Post). Also, your journals will be the basis from which you create y0ur Practicum Project Presentation and Final Reflection Paper.  

Remember, one of the criteria for your Final Reflection Paper is that you integrate specific references to scholarly literature from your previous courses in the MA program to support your thinking and ideas. Integrate references to the scholarly literature (even if they are broad or general) in your Journal Entries, doing so will increase your chances of doing so successfully on your Final Reflection Paper.


Just please add on to Journal 1, obviously I am not actually have this practicum but I am pretending like I am so just make it sound believable please! I WILL RATE YOUR HARD WORK DEFINETLY