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Directions: Step 1: Read the full length A Midsummer Night’s Dream…


Step 1: Read the full length A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare at this link:

Step 2: Complete the Lesson 2 Assignment below.

Note: This excerpt from Tales from Shakespeare by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb presents Shakespeare’s writing of the archaic English and complicated storyline to a more simple level. However, you will not find all the nuances of literary elements in this version. A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Unit 6: Lesson 2 Assignment

1. What is your initial impression of this work?
2. What is the genre of this selection?
3. What is the exposition of the story? What is the rising action or actions in this story? What is the climax of this selection? What is the falling action in the story? What is the denouement in the story?
4. Who is the protagonist? Antagonist?
5. What are the most important traits of the main character? Your response must be at least 3-5 sentences in length.
6. What is the setting of the work? Is there more than one? Your response should be a minimum of 5-7 sentences.
7. Why has the author chosen to emphasize certain details of the setting? Your response should be a minimum of 5-7 sentences.
8. From what point of view is the story narrated? Does the narrator speak in the first person (using “I”) or in the third person?
9. If there is a first-person narrator, is that person a major character or a minor character observing the main action?
10. If the narration is in the third person, is the narrator omniscient (able to see anything and tell us what is in the characters’ minds), or is there limited omniscience so that we see into the mind of only one character?
11. Is the point of view objective, so that we see characters only from the outside but do not see into their minds?
12. Does the point of view change in this work? If so, when? Give an example from the text to support your response.
13. Give 5 examples of figurative language from the selection. List them and give textual evidence to support your response