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AgentPantherMaster595 A Rhetorical Analysis Essay requires you to apply your critical…A Rhetorical Analysis Essay requires you to apply your critical reading skills in order to “break down” a text. The goal of a rhetorical analysis is to articulate HOW the author writes, rather than WHAT the author actually wrote. You will analyze the rhetorical situation and strategies the author uses to achieve the purpose of the writing. 1. Choose one of the short written texts from Open Essays. 2. Select a text that you believe will allow you to comment upon many aspects of the author’s craft. 3.Actively read the text multiple times. 4.Apply the rhetorical situation; assertions, reasoning, and evidence; and rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos) that we have learned about in the Text, taking note of significant moments when the author’s use of rhetoric is especially apparent, ineffective, or effective. 5. Develop a working thesis. (Remember, you are focusing on HOW the author writes, not WHAT she writes. Your thesis should be arguable, specific, and supportable. Your thesis should be a judgment on how effective the author’s text is based on her use of rhetorical strategies. Your thesis should not have anything to do with how you personally feel about the author’s topic.) 6. Organize your ideas. 7. Develop topic sentences for all body paragraphs that do at least these two things: • 1. Provide the main point of that paragraph 2. Relate back to the thesis (overall judgment of the article) clearly 8. Locate, use, cite, and comment upon some specific passages and moments from your chosen text in your essay in order to support the claims you make about the rhetorical strategies the author uses and the effectiveness of the author’s text. 9. Include a brief summary of your selected article in the introduction. 10. Keep in mind that your essay must be coherent and cohesive; tie all the points you choose to make (topic sentences) together with a main claim (thesis). 11. Make sure you have STRONG introduction and conclusion paragraphs. This is the link for the article & HumanitiesEnglish