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Scope: This case analysis is designed for students to demonstrate…

Scope: This case analysis is designed for students to demonstrate understanding of human resources
management both as a theory and a process. Students will read through the Society for Human Resources
Processionals (SHRM) case and apply learned concepts from the course to provide an analysis based on a
series of posed questions. This case will not include step by step instructions, rather, you will need to
integrate what you have learned and apply it to your case analysis.
Student Learning Outcomes: Successful completion of this project fulfills the following student learning
outcomes from the course syllabus:
1. Describe relationship of HRM and organizational strategy.
2. Discuss how to plan for human resources needed to carry out the organization’s strategy.
3. Identify the activities involved in performance management.
4. Define human resources management (HRM) and explain how HRM contributes to an
organization’s performance.
5. Discuss how to plan, organize, lead, and control the use of human resources to accomplish
performance goals in organizations.
Required Case Analysis Components
A. Read the SHRM Reyes Fitness Centers Case
o Overview & Learning Objectives: Provides important background information
o Read Part A and Part B: Employee Conduct/HR Strategy: Case situation to be analyzed
B. Respond to these Questions
o Based on your understanding of RFC and its business strategy, how can HR add strategic
value to RFC?
o What challenges do you anticipate Lori will encounter as she develops the HR scorecard
for RFC?
o If you were one of the employees in Lori’s meeting, what questions and concerns would
you have?
o What other messages do you think are important for Lori to relay to her staff?
C. Integrate textbook learned theories into your case analysis, ensure proper citation of borrowed
ideas. Pay particular attention to the student learning outcomes listed for this case analysis.
D. Length: 2 pages of content excluding title page, table of contents, and references
E. Formatting

E. Assessment based on the following components:
o Appropriate use APA formatting (20 points)
o Plan, organize, lead and control the use of resources to accomplish performance goals in
organizations (60 points)
o Define terminology and concepts with respect to the various functions within the
discipline of human resource management. (60 points)