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Taking time to self-reflect on experiences and asking for feedback…

Taking time to self-reflect on experiences and asking for feedback from colleagues is an important part of growing as a teacher. The more discussions and reflections teachers are able to participate in, the better an educator they will be. Students benefit from the time a teacher takes to adjust planning and instruction based on reflections and feedback.

Allocate at least 3 hours in a K-5 inclusive language arts classroom to support this field experience.

Debrief with your mentor teacher asking for feedback on your participation in his or her classroom the last few weeks.

Discuss the following:

Additional strategies that can be used to support students who struggle with reading in the inclusive classroom. Discuss specifics for your small group and overall strategies.
How was my overall participation in your classroom including small group instruction?
How well did I communicate with you and your students?
Where did I struggle and what can I do to improve my instruction?
What did I do well?

Share your goals from the previous field experiences with your mentor teacher and discuss whether or not they feel the goals were met. Discuss how you can further meet these goals in the inclusive classroom setting and as well as any other goals you have developed.

Share your lesson plan from the Topic 5 benchmark assignment with your mentor. Ask for feedback on the overall flow of the lesson, the instructional strategies and assessments, differentiation for the group of students, and the use of technology.  

Spend any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Up to 400 words, summarize your discussion with your mentor teacher, including the following:

Strategies to continue supporting students who struggle with reading in the inclusive classroom.
Overall participation with the field experience class, including communication with the mentor teacher and students.
Areas of proficiency and struggles, including suggestions for improvement.
How you will use what you learned from this discussion, including the review of your lesson plan, and your clinical field experiences in this course in your future professional practice.