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Chapter 6 Discussion – Groups and Organizations In chapter 6, you…

Chapter 6 Discussion – Groups and Organizations

In chapter 6, you read about how we create a sense of belonging in our society – we create groups and they are where we learn and receive cultural information. The reading defined and explained the different types of groups we can belong to and their influences on the creation of our “social selves”. 

The idea that “no one lives in a vacuum” captures the thought that we are created beings based on our social interactions with others and our environments. The macrocosmic sociological theory that this type of identity creation fits into is symbolic interactionism. Meaning is created, learned and transformed through our social interactions with each other. It is important to remember that this happens on both a conscious, subconscious, and unconscious level. 

The textbook also discussed “groupthink” and how it has influenced members within it. It is important to note that the idea of “peer pressure” is a concept rooted in groupthink. But as a sociologist, I ascribed to the idea that peer pressure can be both positive and negative.

In this week’s reading, the author defines what groups influence us.     


primary groups
secondary groups
reference group


For this discussion, your post should address the following:


What is the main difference between primary groups and secondary groups? Give an example of both types of groups that are in your social world.
Describe how an ingroup can be a reference group for a person.
Give an example of an outgroup that you can identify and explain why they are an outgroup in your social world.
Discuss a time when you have participated in positive peer pressure.


In order to receive full points, your post must address all of these questions and give the examples.

Your response is to be at least 2 paragraphs.

Remember, in order to receive full points:

Your initial post must:

be written in academic language.
address what is being asked.
cite a minimum of 1 source or reference. (you may refer to the textbook)
be more than 1 paragraph.
adheres to the rubric attached to this assignment.