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it is time to present your analysis in a formal essay of no less…

it is time to present your analysis in a formal essay of no less than 2000 (2500 maximum) words.  The following passage contains instructions for your essay. 

You will develop a comparative essay of 2000-2500 words based on the following three works: Hamlet, Life of Pi, and A Man for All Seasons.

In your comparison, speak about one of the following themes:  overcoming obstacles,  appearance and reality, or the role of woman.  Also speak about the literary devices used by the three authors and how these literary devices contribute to the theme(s)

Please note the following guidelines:

Please do not devote much attention to plot.

Work on a theme such as appearance and reality, and the plot details will be covered in a natural fashion.

Remember to speak about the literary devices that each author uses to bolster the themes.

You may write more than three body paragraphs.

To achieve the highest quality work, compare aspects of all three works in each paragraph. In other words, do not write a paragraph on Hamlet, then a paragraph on Life of Pi, and so on.

Use only short quotations or snippets of quotes and integrate these into your sentences.

Document your quotations.

Examining secondary sources allows you to identify key ideas/points for your essay. Use secondary sources that refer to important ideas or literary devices in the works under consideration.

Use at least two secondary sources correctly in your essay. You are required to correctly integrate the opinions of secondary authors into your paper. 

Use some quotations from your primary sources (Hamlet, Life of Pi and A Man for All Seasons), but select these with care. The selected quotes should be used to elucidate an idea or comparison. Do not use quotes for the sake of using quotes or to say things that can be said in your own words.

Ensure that your essay is consistent with the MLA format as outlined in previous units and activities. Remember to include your Works Cited page as well as your title page with your essay.