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Which of the following relations, if any, hold between the members…

Which of the following relations, if any, hold between the members of the following pairs: unilateral entailment, mutual entailment, lexical paraphrase, structural paraphrase, presupposition, conventional implicature, conversational implicature? If more than one of these relations holds, state all of them. If unilateral entailment holds, state which member of the pair entails which. If presupposition holds, state which member of the pair presupposes which. If conventional or conversational implicature holds, state which member of the pair is the implicature. If none of these relations holds between the members of a pair, say so. Consider all sentences in their literal sense. Explain your answers (your explanations will not be graded, but they may help to convince me that you are correct, if I disagree with you). (9 points)



a.         i. John bought a small sofa.   

            ii. John purchased a small couch.


b.         i. Alan does not like tomatoes.

            ii. Tomatoes are supposedly healthy.   


c.        i. Mary owns more than one guitar.

ii. Mary owns four guitars. 


d.         i. John is in love with Mary.

            ii. Mary is a wonderful person.   


e.         i. Jane is probably in Belgium.

            ii. The speaker of e.i. is not certain that Jane is in Belgium.


f.       i. Wow! George ate the whole pizza in 5 minutes.

ii. The speaker of f.i. is impressed or surprised that George ate the whole pizza in 5 minutes.


g.         i. Bill is aware that John stole Mary’s piano.

ii. John stole Mary’s piano.



3. State whether the following sentences, in their most likely interpretation, have any of the following modalities: epistemic, dynamic, deontic. If a sentence has more than one of these, state all which it has. If a sentence has none of these modalities, say so. (6 points)


a. John could play the mandolin really well.

b. Mary might have forgotten to meet me.

c. I have two cousins.

d. You must really have been suffering a lot.

e. Could I ask you your name?

f. You might have asked me for permission before leaving so soon.