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Q:1 Research the National Quality Framework and answer the…

Q:1 Research the National Quality Framework and answer the following questions: 

a) Provide an outline of the key components of the National Quality Framework.

b) List each of the seven Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard.

c) Document each of the Quality areas in the table below. For each of the seven Quality Areas, identify at least one example of a practice you might observe in a service that demonstrates how the service is meeting this practice.:  Quality Area:    Example of observable practice in a service

d) Explain the purpose of the National Law and Regulations in the ECEC sector. 

e) List three guiding documents under the National Quality Framework and explain how they support services to improve quality.  Guiding document    Explain how this supports the quality practice

f) Research the latest Snapshot from ACECQA and examine current sector trends. Provide at least five trends or pieces of information you found in the Snapshot. 

Q:2 Research the latest Snapshot from ACECQA and examine current sector trends on the following link. Provide at least five trends or pieces of information you found in the Snapshot 

Q:3 As part of the National Quality Framework, teams are required to critically reflect on their practice. 

a) Define critical reflection 

b) Explain the purpose of critical reflection in an education and care service? 

c) Outline how educators can engage in critical reflection.

d) List strategies educational teams can use to ensure that critical reflection or self-assessment process is meaningful. 

Q:4  a) Research and define environmental responsibility. 

b) Explain why it is important to plan for children to learn about the environment and become environmentally responsible. 

c) Research and outline your findings related to the importance of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People’s cultures and how we practice environmental responsibility. 

Q:5 Research and identify at least five global impacts/key issues around environmental responsibility and explain their relevance at a local level.

Q:6 Explain your understanding of human and animal activity on the environment and discuss why it is important to teach children to be environmentally responsible.