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Directions: Identify the organizational method used in each set of…

Directions: Identify the organizational method used in each set of main points. 

Such whether it is spatical order or chronological order or cause and effect order or problem and solution order or topical order 


1. Set 1 


1. Caused by a rare genetic mutation, progeria is an inherited disease that has no known treatment. 

2. The effects of progeria include the appearance of rapid aging, limited growth, and a shortened lifespan. 




2. Set 2 

1. Founded in 1948, NASCAR was limited primarily to the South through the 1950s and 1960s. 

2. The modern era of NASCAR began in the 1970s with the development of the points system to crown a yearly champion. 

3. Today NASCAR is one of the most popular spectator sports in America. 




3. Set 3 

1. Sonia Sotomayor is best known as the first Hispanic justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. 

2. Sonia Sotomayor is also an accomplished communicator who has given hundreds of public speeches. 


4. Set 4 

1. The southern section of California Route 1 winds through picturesque beach towns. 

2. The central section of California Route 1 includes the spectacular Big Sur region. 

3. The northern section of California Route 1 traverses towering redwood forests.


5. Set 5 

1. Cyberbullying is a widespread national problem. 

2. The problem can be solved by a combination of individual awareness and social action. 


6. Set 6 

1. Caused by an antibiotic-resistant strain of staphylococcus bacteria, MRSA is prevalent among college students. 

2. The effects of MRSA include skin infections, damage to internal organs, pneumonia, and, in some cases, death. 


7. Set 7 

1. At the top of the rainforest is the emergent layer, where trees can be 200 feet tall. 

2. Below the emergent layer is the canopy, where vegetation is so dense that it filters out 80 percent of the sunlight. 

3. Beneath the canopy is the understory, where trees are less than 12 feet tall and grow large leaves to collect the small amount of sunlight. 

4. At the bottom is the forest floor, where there are almost no plants because of the lack of sunlight