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EarlMaskAardvark13 Use the SEL plan that you developed in week 7 for this assignment….Use the SEL plan that you developed in week 7 for this assignment.

Come up with a two or three page paper in which you:

Compare and contrast the social-emotional-learning plan or emotional intelligence approach that you developed in week 7 with the current student engagement approach of another model of school organization.

Dewitt explains that different terms have been used to describe student engagement. Before researching another school model, review the terms and components of this concept that are used.

Identify which factors in your SEL plan mitigate the potential impact of economic and social factors for your selected school.

My week 7 SEL plan that I developed:

School I chose was: Leflore County Elementary School

When it comes to self awareness, the Leflore county elementary school will come up with different activities such as reflection exercises and journal writing activities to help encourage students to basically recognize and explore their own feelings.

When it comes to self management, the Leflore county elementary school can help by providing stress management methods, coming up with mindfulness workouts, and by coming up with goal setting activities. This can help students better control their feelings, better focus, and help them to overcome many difficult obstacles.

When it comes to social awareness, the Leflore county elementary school plans to organize different activities like cultural exchange organizations and having community service projects. This can help students connect and relate with other people from different backgrounds.

When it comes to relationship skills, the Leflore county elementary school will teach students how to use effective communication skills and how to actively listen and how to solve conflicts on their own.

When it comes to responsible decision making, the Leflore county elementary school can help with this by using scenario analysis and coming up with critical thinking exercises that will help students evaluate consequences, consider other possibilities, and by making better and informed choices.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish