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English 120 Introduction Letter   This should be approximately a…

English 120

Introduction Letter


This should be approximately a 2-page introduction to me as the instructor. You can submit this in a letter format (“Dear Professor _____”) and it is an opportunity for me to learn more about you as a student and as a writer. Try to cover the following topics (you do not need to discuss them all, nor do they need to be in this order): 


Biographical information: where are you from? Where did you go to school? Are you multilingual? What do you like to do? Hobbies, interests, families, pets, special skills–anything is okay to share here!
Academic Background: tell me a little bit about your schooling. What kinds of classes have you taken that you liked best (either the topic or the structure)? What is your feeling about school? What kind of a major, program, or career are you pursuing, and why are you doing that?
Academic Writing History: Tell me a little bit about your history and experience as a writer. What kinds of writing have you done for your academic courses? Papers? Journals? What types? Informative, persuasive, narrative–formal, informal? What is a significant writing experience you had (when were you felt like you really accomplished something in a class)?
Non-Academic Writing History: what kinds of writing do you typically do outside of school? Social media? Blogs? Letters or emails to friends and family? Writing that you do for a job? A diary, journal, or creative writing? Writing for a community group, club, or faith organization that you are a part of?
Pandemic-Related Academic Experiences: How has the process of learning during the pandemic gone for you? What changes have you had to your schooling (format, timing, etc?) in contrast with pre-pandemic learning? How did your school or school district adjust school attendance formats? In what ways do you think that has affected your transition to college, your hopes and expectations for the academic year, or your confidence as a student?